
Archive for the ‘Cloud Computing’ Category

Hadoop Installation Guide For CentOS

October 2nd, 2011 No comments

The article describes how to install & configure a Hadoop Cluster in a Linux Cent-OS system. It explains each step of configuration in depth. To configure Fully Distributed Mode (also known as Multi-Node Cluster), we need to have at least two nodes (One as a Master node & Second as Slave node). All the nodes should have a static IP address and they should be connected on a same network.

Basics of Apache Hadoop

September 19th, 2011 1 comment

Apache Hadoop is a Java software framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data set.The presentation talks about the Hadoop Introduction, its Architecture, Hadoop Distributed File System and the Map-Reduce framework. The presentation is targeted to people who are new to Hadoop & want to understand Hadoop basics.

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