Nowadays, as I am working on the shellcoding, I thought of writing the self modifying shellcode. Normally, this kind of behaviour is seen in malwares, packers etc, where the code gets modified due to the other instructions. Lets have a look how to do so:
I will be taking the example of MessageBox shellcode. This shellcode I have prepared earlier. Using it as a basis, I would write the self modifying code. The shellcode for MessageBox looks like:
004040A0 31DB Â Â Â XOR EBX,EBX ;Zero the EBX
004040A2 68 47474700    PUSH 0×00474747 ;PUSH “GGGâ€
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The WinExec shellcode (NASM)
[Section .text]
global _start
JMP GetCmd
POP EBX ;Holds the Pointer to the command string to be executed using WinExec
MOV ECX,1 ;Parameter 2 for WinExec SW_SHOWNORMAL
PUSH ECX ;Push the 2nd param on the stack
PUSH EBX ;Push the first Param
XOR EBX,EBX ;Zero the EBX register
MOV EBX,0x7c86114d ;WinExec address. found it using Arwin utility
CALL EBX ;Call the WinExec
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Active Directory:
Overview: Active Directory(AD) is a directory Service created by Microsoft. Active Directory provides the means to manage the identities and relationships that make up the organization’s network. Active Directory gives you out-of-the-box functionality needed to stores all information and settings for a deployment in a central database and allows administrators to assign policies, deploy and update software.
Active Directory uses a number of standardized protocols to provide a variety of network services, including:
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP, the industry standard directory access protocol, compatible with many management and query applications. Active Directory supports LDAPv3 and LDAPv2.
- Optional Kerberos-based authentication.
- DNS-based naming and other network information.
Active Directory Benefits:
- Integration with DNS: Â Active Directory uses the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is an Internet standard service that translates human-readable computer names (such as to computer-readable numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (four numbers separated by periods). Read more…
This is a small mind reading game. You have to think a Number between 1 and 63 (including 1 and 63). Some lists will be shown to you and you have to tell me the in which of the lists your number appears and i’ll tell you the number which is there in your mind.
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